KICK TITO! Go back to Walmart, Lilac!

Kwame has seen athletic people on the television box use big balls. This part of exercise is fun. This ball is orange, and has little ridges.

Kwame lifts weights.

Little Bird says: Try Harder, Kwame.

Put your back into it, Kwame!

The gym has many more things to exercise with. The seat on this one smells like farts.

Kwame can taste his success.

Look Little Bird, me big monkey!

Kick Tito! Kick!

Some of these machines are complicated.

More weights. These say 25 of them. Kwame can read numbers.

Kwame says his arm hurts now.

This weight says 25 also. Both arms hurt now.

This bike has a nice gauge, like for nitro boost. Kwame likes cars.

This car is boring.

Tito is going to get kicked. Kwame knows it.

HOME: Kwame will KICK TITO!