KICK TITO! Go back to Walmart, Lilac!

Kwame asks Little Bird for advice. How do I get muscles to Kick Tito? Little Bird doesn't read well, but he's seen magazines at home that say MENS HEALTH on them. Kwame finds the magazine.

There is a fold out poster of excercise moves. There are so many. Oh no this issue says that eating powerbars and drinking Gatorade is important to getting strong. What about pizza and pop tarts?

Oh, the cost. The cost is so great. I just don't know, Kwame says.

Woah, I didn't see that before. Just 3 weeks!!

Kwame decides he can do this. Revenge will have a price, but that damn Tito took the last copy of Metal Gear, what can he do? This is a wise investment.

Gatorade tastes like watery punch.

Little Bird, you should try this.


Little Bird says that people who eat power bars too much have farts that smell metallic and not quite right.

NEXT: Kwame begins to exercise and go to the gym.